Sunday, February 8, 2009

Google Searchwiki Innovation!

Google has once again innovated the internet by introducing a new way to search the Internet. Google has introduced a "Searchwiki" which allows users to sort their sites in order to rank them however they please. Creators of this new idea state that the arranging of websites is just the begining, users can also write notes next to the website and also rearrange their sites whenever they want. "Searchwiki is available to signed-in Google users", you must acquire a google account to be able to use Searchwiki. In addition to seeing your sites, you can also be able to see other Searchwiki user's notes.
This new way of sorting your searches and navigating the internet is a more convinient way to use the Internet. By simply logging into your Searchwiki and going through your website you will be able use the Internet more efficiently. I believe that this is a great idea that can have a positive aspect to the community. "Google has become the de facto starting point on the Web" by speeding up your time on the web and having your sites at easy access.

If you have any further questions please visit this site: href="">


Jesse said...

Wow, it's funny becuase my first blog was about This new feature launched by Google sounds similar to Yahoo's They are both making it easier for us to use the web.

Anonymous said...

That is really cool. It is insane to me how personalized the internet is becomming. I hate scrolling through search results that have no meaning to me. Yay google!

Sara M said...

There is continually new features to learn about in order to use the Internet more efficiently, and sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by all there is to learn. Then again, I just learned about in class, and I love it! I can't wait to try this searchwiki feature.

Anonymous said...

I think this is an awesome idea! I use Google a lot and sometimes find that the best information is not listed first or second, but eight, ninth, or tenth. This helps in research because it allows you to sort which information is most pertinant and useful. What else will Google come up with?