Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Enhancement of the News Release

With the vast innovations of Web 2.0, news releases had to be modified for the new era. As technology emerged, news releases transformed into a good resource for journalists and the general audience. The need to obtain relevant and detailed material from news releases became prominent, and the features need to have a good news release became very important. The readings from the book PR 2.0-New Media, New Tools, New Audiences, believes that there should be changes to the news release in order to be appealing to journalists. The book specifies that news releases should have RSS feeds to link the subject matter to its content and vice versa, "photo libraries with high resolution, MP3 files, video footage for Video-On-Demand (VOD), links to previous coverage on a topic with the ability to use or Digg for social bookmarking, and Technorati" because it is a good site that has an abundance of sources worldwide. All of these prerequisites are good innovations that would not only revitalize the news release but make it appealing to the new age.

I believe that the news release is an important artifact to keep around. The news release has helped journalists come along this far and what better way to incorporate it into the new age than by enhancing it with new Web 2.0 innovations.


Alex said...

it really is interesting how the press release has evolved through the additions of technology. However, I think my main concern is that can get cluttered. Maybe there needs to be some form of standardization of which techs to use?

Kirby said...

I agree with Alex. It's incredibly important to keep things organized and flowing well in a press release. Not only to insure that the reader understands what you are trying to say. But to ensure that you are not needlessly wasting the reader's time. In the news business, time is money and if you are careless with the time of others, they most likely wont work with you/listen to you in the future.