Thursday, April 2, 2009

Opening Doors to PROpenMic

With the high rise of job applicants at its max, companies such as PropenMic have been created to acquire job opportunities for the average person. Throughout this week's lecture our class learned that PropenMic is a social media site that has 4,143 members who range from students, faculty, and Public Relations Consultant. This website is a fairly new site that was created a Public Relations professor by the name of Robert French. This site was created to network and be able to obtain an internship or perhaps a job. The site helps people announce their job searches and helps them build bonds with potential business owners seeking a potential job applicant.

I believe that PropenMic is a great website. I think that it is amazing that in a matter of a few years we have begun to use the internet for practically everything; including job searches. PropenMic not only helps individuals to network but also helps enhance communication with potential job applicants. PropenMic is a fairly easy website that includes a calendar, news hooks, and videos. The site is a savvy media site th at obtains vast amount of information for an individual to grasp.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you blogged about this, because throughout my busy week I forgot about it! I am on the lookout for a job and I will definately see if this resource can help me!

Alejandra G said...

I think PROpenMic is a great tool! I'm glad there is a website where people in the PR industry can join and connect together. This website is great for young new graduates in the PR field to find jobs. Finding jobs right now is extremely difficult. I'm glad there is a site that makes finding PR jobs easier

Anonymous said...

With the struggling economy, I love that this website exists. It lets those that feel hopeless in their PR job market search that there is hope! I can't wait to see where this website goes in the next year.